20th century heritage @risk
17:00 - 19:00 |
Room 1 |
Yıldız Salman
Assist. Prof., Architecture, Istanbul Technical University
Nilüfer Baturayoğlu Yöney
Prof., Architecture, Mustafa Kemal University & Secretary General, DOCOMOMO Turkey
Hatice Ayataç
Prof., Urban and Regional Planning, Istanbul Technical University
Aziza Chaouni
Assoc. Prof., Coordinator of the Designing Ecological Tourism Lab, Daniels School of Architecture Landscape and Design
Olcay Aydemir
Dr., Advisor to the Mayor, Zeytinburnu Municipality
Ümran Aydın
Architect, KUDEB, Şişli Municipality
Sema Yırcalı
Architect, Directorate of Historical Cultural Heritage, Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality
Dilşad Ergin
Head of Development and Urbanization Department, Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality
This Session, organized by Docomomo Turkey within the scope of MARUF events, aims to share the results of the two preliminary workshops in which preservation of modern architectural heritage was discussed in depth with the municipalities in the Marmara region, to evaluate these workshops with the representatives of some municipalities participated in the preliminary events and to open the issue for discussion. Collaborations that local governments will form with academia and experts have the potential to promote qualified case studies for our country. In this context, the invited speaker of the session, Aziza Chaouni, will share her experiences in relation to participatory processes regarding the management plan of a significant modern architectural heritage site in Morocco with the audience.