International experience exchange: Good examples of innovative planning

02.10.2021 11:30 - 13:00 | Room 6 | SESSION


Burcu Özüpak Güleç

Coordinator of the Vision 2050 Office, Istanbul Planning Agency

Oriol Estela Barnet

General Coordinator, Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona

Yimin Wu

Planner, Planning Research Lab, Beijing Municipal Institute of City Planning & Design

Rashid Seedat

Executive Director, Gauteng City-Region Observatory

In the session organized in cooperation with IPA, the strategic planning departments of prominent global cities will come together to discuss their creative and innovative approaches in terms of city planning as well as participatory models they facilitated while supporting residents’ rights to the city. Planners will share their experience regarding the history, achievements, failures and lessons learned while planning the future of their respective city. The representatives of the strategic planning departments will share their own local experience through a global lens, introduce their reference points and particular perspectives, and express their priorities for a better future. The importance of cooperation between global cities will be emphasized once again in order to re-think and co-act for a better urban future.