Feyzullah Gündoğdu

General Manager, Kayseri Transportation

Feyzullah Gundogdu was born in 1970. After graduating Physics- Electronics Engineering program he has taken MS degree from Physics in 1998. He worked as a communication engineer in R&D department in the defense sector for one year. He completed two military projects in communication area. Then he joined METRO ISTANBUL in 1999 and worked for six years in different positions such as; signaling engineer, maintenance planning, software development engineer, risk management etc. In 2005 he moved KAYSERI Railway Systems Project as a consultant and controller. He was responsible from signaling and telecommunication systems, vehicles and RAMS activities. Then, in 2008 he moved Kayseri Transportation A.Ş as a fixed Installation Manager. In 2013, he took responsibility as a construction manager of Kayseri Light Rail System extensions of 17 km double line. In 2014 he become General Manager of Kayseri Transportation. He run the company includes LRT, Bus, Bike Sharing, E-ticketing, Car parking in which have 35 km of LRT line, 69 vehicles, 620 bus with 1200 stuff. He was a member of the policy and executive board of UITP between 2015-2019. He is chairman of UITP informal Transport working group. He is a member of the presidential committee of UITP. He is president of the Rail System Operators Association, TÜRSİD, in Turkey. Vice president of Anatolian Rail Transportation Systems Cluster, ARUS. Member of Kayseri Industrial Chamber. Member of higher advisory board of Turkish quality association’s Kayseri branch.


# Program Name Day Hour Room #
1 Transformation of informal transport in times of COVID-19 03.10.2021 16:00 - 17:30 Room 4