Demographic composition and urban statistics

03.10.2021 14:30 - 15:45 | Room 6 | SESSION


Alim Arlı

Assoc. Prof., Humanities and Social Sciences, Istanbul Technical University

Ahmet Sinan Türkyılmaz

Prof., Social Research Methods, Institute of Population Studies, Hacettepe University

Yunus Uğur

Assoc. Prof., History, Marmara University

Esra Huri Bulduk

General Coordinator, Istanbul Planning Agency

In this session, the relationships between population structure and statistical data will be discussed in their historical and current dimensions. The main factors affecting the population dynamics in cities, migration-based processes that force the definition of the city to rethink in the increasing national and international human mobility environment, and the support that urban statistics can provide for administrative decision mechanisms will be emphasized. The meaning of the historical data of the cities for the past and the present and the importance of the preservation of the multidimensional heritage structures of the cities will be evaluated.